Personal Core Values are the principles, standards and beliefs that guide your decision-making and behavior.
They also serve as the basis for how you judge the decisions and behavior of others.
discovering your core values helps you...
What will you learn by taking this assessment?
- The values you personally prioritize
- The "gap" between your stated values and your behavior
- How your values compare to those of your peers
discover your
personal core values
frequently asked questions
100% confidential. This is YOUR personal core values assessment. We encourage you to share your results—they will dramatically enhance your ability to understand, and communicate with, others—but how you do that is up to you.
What research is this assessment based upon?
The work of some really smart social scientists. Over the course of two decades these researchers explored the universe of values to accurately identify the fourteen “primary” core values on which this assessment is based.
How is this different from other “Personality Tests”?
Simply put, it's more useful. Tests such as Myers-Briggs ©, Strengths Finder ©, DISC ©, Birkman ©, etc. are based upon values. What makes this assessment more useful is that the results are both easier to remember and share (there's not gimmicky language) AND it's applicable and useful for both your personal and professional life.
Can I use this with my team?
Absolutely! This is an incredibly powerful team-building tool. Even more, this assessment is a foundational element of the Sands “Ready To Lead” program—a catalytic development program perfect for high-performing teams. To gain team access to the assessment, click here to email us.